WELCOME! Are you ready to Win a Free Copy of the International BEST Selling game GOAT LORDS?

We are trying to spread the word of our mission - and we want you to get a taste of GATWICK GAMES

1. Take a picture of the Goat Truck and post it on your social media page (Instagram, Facebook, or Tik Tok).
2. Use #goattruck and tag us with @gatwickgames when posting your picture of the truck.
3. Email us at with the link to your post. 
4. We will then reply to your email with your unique code to submit an order for your free game.
5. Enjoy you're new game! 🥳


  • No duplicates or “images found on the web or other people's social media etc". We will be checking all images. If it seems that your picture is not authentic, then you will be disqualified.
  • The code will bring the total of the game to $0, but shipping will still be charged.
  • Promotion only available while supplies last or until the promotion is discontinued. Limited to one redemption per customer.
  • We reserve the right to refuse anybody this promotion.